"Some said "death should be received with pleasure as it is a relief to all life struggles, hurt, pains and so on. But on the contrary did someone demonstrated love in death. This man didn't just die but he died the death of the cross (Crucified). Am sure your thoughts now is that how can this be possible, since love is Generally a sense of kindness, goodness, and gift giving. This is so odd, you ask questions such as what has death gat to do with love, what kind of offense or crime would have led to crime would he lead to Crucifixion. Firstly , what is crucifixion? Crucifixion means to punish someone by nailing on the cross. Crucifixion is a Latin word "crucifixio" meaning fixed to the cross, which is a Roman way of execution. Crucifixion is the most painful and shameful method of punishing victims of capital crime. Before crucifixion victims are been turtured, beaten, force to carry their cross to the crucifixion site. This is the supreme ...