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Hot drink, strong wines, beer, fermented wines, local wine - ogogoro, burukutu or whatever name it is called.

The issue of the above mentioned alcoholic substance has generated a lot of argument in our societies some set of people and tribe says that drinking of alcohol has nothing to do with our Christian life, some people says nothing concerns about drinking of strong drinks or beer. Some claimed that Jesus Christ turned water into wine to saved His relative from shame at wedding ceremony at Cana Galilee also Paul  admonished Timothy his spiritual son  to be taking wine because of his health (1Tim 5: 23).

Some says if God does not want us to be drinking strong wine and the likes He would not have created them, also He would have not given man knowledge to be producing them and that God created it for man's consumption.

Are all the above mentioned true? Does God support drinking of alcoholic drinks? What does the Word of God says concerning it? What are the consequences for the people selling and people drinking it?

I believe that this little and concise write - up through the leading of Holy Spirit and the Word of God will get you correct answers to all the questions and arguments.



The first answer to several questions about drinking of alcohol is God's warning to us towards alcoholic drinks. The Word of God says "Wherefore be ye not unwise but understanding what the Will of the LORD is, and be not drunk with wine where is excess (debauchery) Eph 5:17-18).

God want us to be filled with His Spirit instead of wine (hot or strong wine). Why? The reason is because while the Spirit of God will lead you to do what is right and pleasing to God while strong drink will lead you to do wrong things that will make you sin against God even your fellow man. 

Drinking of alcohol can lead man into living a bad life style, bad behavior and shameful acts such as murder, anger, hot temper, fornication, ungodly words utterances and actions ( Pro 23: 29 - 33).

Drinking or intoxicating oneself with strong drink lead to immoral life uncultured and unbiblical way of life. The Word of God says "This I say then, walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other, so that ye cannot do the things that ye would (Gal. 5:16- 17). Verse 18 says so I say, live by the Spirit and you will not gratify desires of the sinful nature, for the desires what is contrary to the Spirit and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other so that you do not that what you want".

Drinking of strong drink is a sinful nature and it is contrary to the will of God because it leads to sin. The Word of God says "The Spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing (John 6:63a). The Spirit of God gives life while strong drink gives destruction and shame, alcohol  weakens our spiritual life and body but the Spirit quickens our spiritual lives and give our body peace and healthy.

Strong drink lead to sinful desires but Paul tell us that  spiritual life gives us freedom from condemnation, victory over sin and fellowship with God comes through union with Christ by indwelling of the Holy Spirit by receiving and following the Spirit, we are delivered from the power of sin and led  onward to final glorification in Christ Jesus.

The Holy Spirit working within believers allows them to live a righteous life which is seen as fulfillment of God's moral law, but to live according to strong drink which is part of sinful nature is to be occupied with its desires, thought, emotions and its physical gratification. This includes not only sexual immorality but hatred, selfish ambition, outburst of anger, drugs addiction and many others.

To live in accordance with the Spirit is to seek and as submit to the Holy Spirit's direction and enablement, it is to focus one's attention, thought, energy and values on the things of God. The Holy Spirit guides us to live consciously at all times in God's presence, trusting Him to give us the help and grace we need to accomplish His will in and through us. 

While intoxicating oneself with alcohol lead to a lot of atrocities that does not please God. The Word of God says "If you live according to the sinful nature you will die spiritually and even physically, but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live"(Rom. 8:1-11).

Strong drinks inspiration brings evil desires, bad actions and ungodly manners. The Word of God says "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh, but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit" (Rom. 8 5). Intoxicating oneself with alcohol is carnal mind that is enmity against God and can never subject to the law of God.

Apostle Paul advised "As the day of the Lord is near, the night is far spent. the day is at hand let us there for cast off the works of darkness and let  us WALK HONESTLY as in the day not  in rioting and drunkenness...        (Romans 1:12-13).

God wants us to be filled and guided by the Holy Spirit before His second coming than to be filled with wine that can ruin our relationship with God. Flaming that is intoxicating with strong drink grieve the Holy Spirit, it sends the Spirit of God packing, so will we need to be careful and totally do away with alcohol.



Because of great havoc that alcohol has it has caused many low and high people in the world several damages, little wonder why LEMUEL's mother taught, advised and warned him against two things for they are dangerous to his position as a king.

The way the woman put her words shows clearly that she loves her son dearly "O my son, o son of my womb, o son of my vows" she cherished her son very well and she meant him well in the position he was.  She seriously warned him against two dangerous destroyers which are WOMAN and WINE. That was why she said "Give not thy STRENGTH unto women, nor the way to that which destroyeth king" (Pro. 31:3). Lemuel's mother warned him not to spend his strength on women and his vigor on those who ruin Kings.

Marring many wives or giving one's life to fornication is dangerous for Kings or any responsible person, outlandish women can cause him to sin against God and his fellow man (Pro. 6:20-34).

King Solomon fell into this problem and his kingdom was divided he saw the other side of God. The Word of God says "Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these things? Yet among many nations there was no king like him which was beloved of his God, and God nevertheless even him did outlandish women cause to sin. (Nehemiah. 13:26) read Proverbs 7:6-27.  Beloved brothers and sisters beware of fornication and adultery.

The second advice that Lemuel's mother gave to him was to avoid ALCOHOL. The woman proceeded in her advice to her beloved son "It is not for Kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer" (Pro. 31:4).

She categorically told her son (King Lemuel) not to drink alcohol in other to avoid misbehavior that can put him to shame and ruin his government or reputation. The Word of God says "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather silver and gold" (Pro. 22:1), read more (Eccl. 7:1). 

King Lemuel apparently was a non Israelite king and his not mentioned nowhere in the scripture. God has high standard Kings and rulers. Remember you and I are Kings and rulers, princes and princesses in this world. We are sons and daughters of God, God sent us to this world for a purpose, and one of the purpose is to come and live a decent life that will glorify His Holy name. (Psalms 82:6,  Rom. 8:14, 16-17). Hebrew literally says "Let there be no drinking of strong wine"


The reason why the wise woman was giving her son this advice as a king and ruler not to drink alcohol is that.

They might otherwise forget what the law decrees; that is alcohol can weaken them morally and lead them to disobey God's law and pervert justice. This led the Jewish Rabbis to decree that a judge who drinks just a glass is not permitted to sit in judgment nor a teacher in a school permitted to teach under the influence of alcohol.

The same principle applies to the Priest and Levites who served before God on behalf of the people (Lev.10: 8-11).  Christians are the teachers and Levites (Matt. 28:19-20, 1 Pet. 2:9).

The wise woman condemned drinking of alcohol and gave reasons for it, she said:

Lest they drink and forget what the law decrees and deprive all the oppressed of their rights (Pro. 31:5). If he /she is intoxicated with strong wine he/she can easily forget the law, interprets the law wrongly, judge wrongly, by turning the judgment upside down.

Lest they drink and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of the afflicted" wise Kings and rulers must abstain from alcohol so as to have a clear mind with which to make sound judgment. All believers are regarded as Kings and priest who rule in God's spiritual kingdom. Therefore, God's standard for Kings and Priests with respect to intoxicating drink applies equally to us (Numbers. 6:1 - 3, Eph. 5:18).

Alcohol drink is for those who are perishing, "Give beer, alcohol to those who are PERISHING, wine to those who are ANGUISH"(Pro. 31:6). This implies that alcohol should be given to him/her that is ready to perish and wine to those who have troubled mind or terrible situation. That is, strong wine should be given to those who thought that intoxicating is a way of forgetting their troubles as death approaches. These words may be interpreted as an IRONIC expression that intoxicating drink is for those who have already ruined their lives and are without hope.

To recommend drunkenness in order to help forget trouble is a wrong advice, for it would resolve no problem, but only create new ones. Attempting to alleviate problems with intoxication of alcohol may be the world's way, but not in God's way.


Drinking of alcohol and hard drugs has its consequences as following


The Word of God says "Wine is a MOCKER and beer a BRAWLER" (Proverbs 20:1). This verse strongly warns about the inherent dangers often associated with drinking alcohol of which some of them are mockery and rage.

Intoxicating oneself with alcohol can lead to mockery, foolishness, ridicule and can make one become a laughing stock. Also, intoxicating oneself with alcohol (fermented wines) can lead to rage (anger, annoyance), wrong actions and ungodliness. 


Also t he verse warns us that whoever is led astray by alcoholic drinks is not wise (he is a fool and irresponsible). Here and elsewhere in the book of wisdom (Proverbs) warns about a variety of personal and social evils consequences associated with indulging in alcohol drinking.

Therefore, the Holy Spirit is warning you now to desist from selling and drinking of alcohol or drugs so as to avoid perishing, (Rev. 2:11).

As strong drink is a mocker (reduces to a decreased) capacity for self control, a weakening of inhibitions and a distaining of prudent behavior and righteous value. The Word of God says that "On the day of the festival of their king, the princes became inflamed with wine and he joins hands with the mockers"(Hosea 7:5)

The drunkard as a brawler, it contributes to disturbance, conflicts and violence in their families and societies. "They eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence (Pro. 4:17).


Also drunkenness is also associated with inefficiency and poverty "He who loves pleasure will become poor, whoever loves wine and oil will never be rich" (Pro. 21:17). 

The Word of God says further "Listen, my son, and be wise, and keep your heart on the right path. Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor and drowsiness clothes them in rags" (Pro. 23 : 20 - 21).


In our contemporary world drinking of alcohol is a factor in more than 50 percent of all fatal car accident (crashes). 75 percent of all crimes committed and more than 30 percent of all murder cases. It is also implicated as factor in sexual immorality unwanted pregnancy and high divorce rate. Drinking of alcohol causes all the above mentioned problems, so beware and be careful you drunkard.



The very first mention of wine in the Bible was connected with the drunkenness of Noah, who God spared and granted grace and favour to start another generation in the earth after the flood, he planted his deed and he was blessed so much, in showing his happiness and appreciation, he drank to the point that he naked himself and his third son Ham saw him in this shameful condition such that when Noah woke up, he cursed his grandson Canaan. That he would be servant to his brothers (Gen. 9:18 - 26). A grandfather who supposed to be happy that he has opportunity to witness his grandchild in the land of living pronounced a curse on Ham's son Canaan not Ham himself, see the danger of drinking strong wine.


Intoxicating oneself with strong drink leads to shame and reproach, because ungodly actions, behaviors and characters can surface through it. Lot the son of Haran brother of Abraham that God's mercies located and he was saved from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah went up to the mountain and dwell there with his two daughters for he feared to dwell in Zoar. He decided to live alone, to live separately with his grown up daughters who later thought of marriage and there was no other men around, to quench their taste they plan to fall back to their father.

Lot's daughters who had known their father's weakness that he loved wine so much. Despite Lot's faithfulness his daughters knew his weak point they knew that he loved wine to enjoy himself gave him strong drink till he lost his control, he doesn't know what he was doing again and slept with his daughters who were desperately looking for child and they were pregnant for him and had children for him Moab and Ben-Ammi (Gen. 19:30-38).

Through strong drink, Lot lost his family and his descendants became pagans.


Drinking of alcohol can cause untimely death and life destruction. The word of God says "Give strong wine unto him that is ready to perish" (Pro. 23:6a).

Amnon one of the sons of David the king of Israel, who has offended Absalom also son of David because of his sister Tamar who he raped, was killed at the range of drunkenness.

Absalom had known Amnon for drunkenness; he had known him as a drunkard. So he ordered his servants that whenever they noticed that Amnon"s heart is merry with wine, they should kill him and it was done, he was killed unawares because Amnon could not control himself against strong drink. He was intoxicated with strong drink and he could not control himself till death struck him down unaware. (2 Sam. 13:19 - 29).

Amnon loved strong drink so much and it ruined his life totally, he could not fulfill his destiny. Run away from drunkenness and drugs addiction today.


Nabal was very wealthy man he had property but he was a Calebite, surly and mean in his dealings (1Sam. 25:2 - 3). Nabal the husband of Abigail hold a banquet like that of a king, he was in high spirit and very drunk. This condition of his heart failed him and he became like a stone and about ten day later the Lord struck him and he died (1Sam. 25:36-38). Through his unworthy attitude and drunkenness he misbehaved to a man of God and he was penalized for it.

The effect of alcohol can be demonic and destructive, it can result into physical ailments, blurred vision, a confused mind and a loosed tongue. It can deprive person of entering the kingdom of God, which was why Jesus warned us "Be careful or your hearts will be weighed down with the anxieties of life and that day will come close to you unexpectedly like a trap.



God through prophet Habakkuk says "Woe to him who gives drink to his neighbors pouring it from the wine skin (bottle) till they are drunk, so that he can gaze on their naked bodies. You will be filled with shame instead of glory. Now it is your turn, drink and be exposed. The cup from the Lord's right hand is coming around to you and disgrace will cover your glory" (Habak. 2:15 - 16).

This pronouncement of woe is for you sellers of strong drinks and these verses pronounce woe of judgment on anyone or those who are after strong drinks and the sellers, such people will be judged.

The Word of God through Apostle Paul says "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess but be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18).

The sellers and those that are drinking alcohol are under the judgment of God Almighty. "Woe to those who rise early the morning to run after their drinks, who stay up late at night till they are inflamed with wine. They have harps and lyres at the banquets, tambourines and flutes and wines, but they have no regards for the deeds of the LORD. No respect for the work of His hands (Isaiah 5:11 - 12).

Using alcohol in your ceremonies and programs is not good enough, God is totally against it, because you are ruining and destroying the souls and lives of people that He (God) cherishes so much.

The scripture says in the book of proverbs 23:31- 35 that "Do not GAZE (do not look) at the wine when it is red, when it SPARKLES in the cup, when it goes down smoothly, in the end it BITES like SNAKE and POISON like VIPER. Your eyes will see strange sights and your mind imagining CONFUSING things. You will be like one sleeping on the high sea, lying on top of the rigging. They hit me, you will say, but I'm not hurt. They will beat me, but I don't feel it, when I wake up so I can find another drink".

Another warning against drinking of alcohol says "Do not join those who drink too much wine (Pro. 23: 20a). God spoke seriously through prophet Isaiah, He says "Woe to who are heroes at drinking wine, and champions at mixing drinks".

Isaiah 5 : 22 says "Woe unto people who are mighty and have strength but fun of drinking wine and even love to mingle (mixing) strong wine to drink".

"Who hath work? Who hath sorrow? Who hath contentions? Who hath babbling? Who hath wounds without cause?  Who has redness of eyes? They that TARRY long at the wine, they that go to seek mixed wine (Pro. 23:29-30).

The above mentioned statements are questions and answers, but the six questions have only one answer, who has all above mentioned problems? Those who tarry long at the wine, they that go to seek mixed wine.

Woe is a statement of judgment on drunken conduct. Consuming even one bottle of alcohol drink leads to some impairment of a person's motto skill and ability to make sound judgment.

Continued use opens one's life to intoxicating and addiction with all their harmful consequences physically, socially, spiritually and morally supposed to warn us and totally against drinking of alcohol.

"So I can find another drink describes the addictive effect of fermented wines". Too often, the one who drinks will seek more until he or she can no longer control their drinking. The only way to be sure one will not end up this way is to totally avoid all (Alcohol beverages).

Beware of those who contend that drinking such beverages with self-control and moderation is without danger.

Beware, if you are lost, you should know, if you are still living as you like, drinking what you like and living a life that is not in line with the dictate of the Word of God, then you are lost.

If you think that it is too hard for you to quit drinking of alcohol you are lost. The right thing to do is to face reality and admit that you are lost, then wisely like the prodigal son retrace your way back home.



Relaxation: to wipe off the sorrowful mood. Relaxation and enjoyment, means to express man's carnal nature especially when angry, connection link, addiction.

All reasons given to support this attitude are ideas from the pit of hell. Some people says it gives them strength, power and energy to do their jobs very well, such as mechanical work, drivers, construction workers, mining workers and many other things like that. Some says that it gives them wisdom and sharp knowledge to understand whatever they are learning quickly. Some men says that it gives them strength and energy to perform very well and have long time with their woman. Some says that drinking wine makes them forget their sorrow and problems.

All these excuses and supports are the devil's ideas to steal your heavenly glory and destiny, to destroy and ruin your glorious life.

It is just the devil's manipulations to shorten your life, just to make your life miserable. So stay away from alcoholic drinks, God totally reject it because the havoc and damage it causes are more than the benefits and enjoyment you think about.

My people outside there and you pretenders Christian the Holy Spirit is saying to you "BUY THE TRUTH and SELL IT NOT GET also WISDOM, INSTRUCTION and UNDERSTANDING" (Pro. 23:23).

Know this clearly The BIBLE is the WORD OF GOD, the only place where you can get the truth, wisdom, good instructions and understanding that gives  life, peace, good health and grace to enjoy all God's plans and purposes for your life.

You have heard from Him (God) His view about alcohol drink try to embrace it, take it to your heart, digest it and act on it and it shall be well with you. Read the book of Joshua 1:8, don't let this word of God depart from you, from your life and the glory of God will showcase in your life, instead of shame and reproach.

The Word of God says "Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and obey" (Luke 11:28), also Jesus said "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you (John 1: 14). God has warned us against alcohol drink, if truly we want to enjoy Him and all His blessings we need and we must keep to His Word, His instructions and commands.

Moses advised the people of Israel "Carefully follow (keep) the terms (words) of this covenant, so that you may prosper in everything you do" (Deuteronomy 29: 9).

Strong drink is for your destruction and ruin but God's Word is there for you, to save and to beautify your life. To enjoy God is to obey God and His Word and to obey God's Word is to enjoy His grace, favour, mercy and abundant blessings. Deut. 7:12-15.



Through the Word of God you have known God's desires and mind concerning Alcoholic drinks. God's Word had revealed the consequences and the end of those selling and those that give their lives to it. The question now is it is possible to avoid and overcome this evil spirit that destroys life?

Yes you can, but not by your own power, know that very well, you cannot overcome or conquer this demon by your power or intelligent. God through Zechariah to Zerubbabel saying "Not by mighty, not by power, but by my spirit saith the Lord of hosts" (Zech. 4:6).

You cannot conquer this evil spirit by your own mighty and power but only by the help of the Almighty God and our own intention that will want Him to help us.

Paul enlighten us that we are not struggling or fighting against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Eph. 6:12). For this he advised us to therefore put on the full armor of God (Eph. 6:13).  You need to fight against the devil's schemes in which alcoholism is inclusive.

To overcome is to wage real war against it, because it is an evil spirit from satanic world. Alcoholism is a satanic agent or messenger sent to the earth to destroy and ruin human lives and destinies. It will make man to lose eternal peace and kingdom of God, so you need to wage war against it and overcome this evil spirit call alcoholism.

These are little answers to the questions or ways or means to avoid and overcome the spirit of alcoholism.


Firstly, admit that you are a sinner even by giving your life to the sin of drunkenness, by giving yourself to Alcohol, repent of your sin, forsake it and believe you will be set free (John 8 : 32, 36). Repent and be converted, believe and pray very well.

Accept the LORDSHIP of Jesus Christ, by hold on Christ alone. Anyone who does not have Jesus' Christ as his/her Lord and savior is living a dangerous life, rough life propelled by Satan.

As long as you have given your life to Jesus Christ in full, your body becomes the temple of the living God (2Cor. 6:16, 1 Cor. 3:16). So you should not grieve the Spirit of God you have received, also know and remember this that no drunkard and drugs addict shall inherit the kingdom of God (1Cor. 6:10). So give your life to Jesus Christ in full, who can save and give you victory over flesh, the world and the devil the author of sin (John 8:44).


Apostle Paul in his book to us says "Desire the Sincere Milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby (1 Pet. 2:2 AKJV). Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in salvation (NIV).

To overcome the spirit of alcohol you should long for the pure nourishment of God's Word. You must love, hunger and thirst for God's Word. Eating and drinking God's Word will give you spiritual health.

A sign of spiritual healthiness is a deep desire to feed on the living and enduring Word of God (Col. 3:16).

"Be alert lest your spiritual hunger and thirst for God and His Word diminished or be destroyed by life's worries and pleasures (Luke 8:14).

Drawing closer to God's Word, by reading and studying it very well will quench the fire of the desire for Alcohol in your heart and the fire of the Holy Spirit will take over and continue burning in your heart.

Guide your soul, your heart by God's Word and let the Holy Spirit fill your heart, for all evil actions comes from the heart (Mat. 7:23). Let the Holy Spirit take total control of your heart, listen to His warning and directive. The scripture says "Take captive even though freeze out harmful thinking by capturing every thought and making it obedient to Christ.

The Word of God admonishing us to throw off everything that easily entangles us to sin (Heb. 12:1b). We must throw off the sin of drunkenness which is our most besetting sin. Our new life must be run with the awareness that our greatest danger is temptation, not to give up and yield to sin again.


To overcome this evil spirit of alcoholism you need to separate yourself from those old friends that you are drinking together, so that they don't take you back. 

The Word of God says "Do not be yoked ( partner) with the worldly friends again, do not be partner nor associate with them for they can draw you back to your past life (Eph. 6:14-17, Eph. 5:6-7, 11). 

"Be no deceived evil communication corrupt good manners (1Cor. 15:3AKJV), "Do not be misled, bad company corrupt good character"

Lastly, believe and obey all the warning and calls of God in this book, don't joke with it, don't take it with levity hands, digest and act accordingly (Heb. 2:1-3).

Come back to your senses, stop drinking of alcohol and stop selling it, it is dangerous to your health and spiritual life.

Wisdom is calling you to order, Wisdom is crying on to you to forsake drinking of strong wine, Wisdom is saying "O ye simple, understand wisdom, and ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart. All the word of my mouth are in the righteousness ... They are all plain to him that understandeth...

For wisdom is better than rubies… The fear of the Lord is to hate evil ... (Pro. 8:1- 14). Read more Pro. 1:20-33.

"My son, if sinners entice thee consent thou not (Pro. 1:10). 




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